General Instruction for the Students
1) Our students are expected to be polite and disciplined wherever they go. They should always remember that the Vidyapith is judged through the conduct of its students.
2) Bullying is strictly prohibited inside the School premises and no such act will go unnoticed or unpunished. Depending on the gravity of misconduct, necessary steps will be taken.
3) The active participation and involvement of the students in all the affairs of the School [i.e. Academic affairs, Religious and Cultural Activities, Sports’ Games, and specially rendering the unselfish loving service to the needy in the spirit of ‘Service to Man is Service to God’ as taught by Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda] is compulsory.
4) Submission of projects and/or assignment/s in time is mandatory. Casual approach and late submission of any kind of assignment/projects shall surely bring a negative impact on the evaluation system.
5) During the absence of teachers in the Class Room the students need to obey the Class Monitors, duly appointed by the Class-Teachers.
6) Students need to bring all the prescribed Text and note Books as per the respective Class Routine.
7) They are expected to respect the aesthetics of the classroom and of the School premises and report any damage caused to the teachers/authorities. Any damage done to the property of the entire Complex, would be recovered from the offender(s). In addition, such offence will reduce co-scholastic grades.
8) It is obviously the responsibility of the students to keep their Class Rooms/Laboratories/Library clean and take care of the School furniture. Students must not litter Class Rooms, Laboratories and Corridors.
9) Throwing things outside the window, physically hurting anyone inside the classroom, in the corridor or outside the School, throwing any object at anyone is strictly forbidden.
10) The students of this Vidyalaya need to have decent hair-style. Weird hair-style/dying hair is treated as an offence. Hair must be regularly trimmed. It must not cover the forehead or touch the collar.
11) Without obtaining prior permission from the Principal's office, bringing any kind of Electronic Gadget (like Mobile Phone, Camera, Tablet, Laptop, IPod, etc.) is strictly prohibited. Any such items once confiscated, will not be returned.
12) Students are instructed to refrain from bringing magazines, papers or books other than the text books or reference books to the School without prior permission of the Principal.
13) Buying or selling of substance, Stamps, Stickers, Comic Books/CD/Video, Pen Drive and/or electronic devices/contents etc. are not allowed in the School.
14) Students need to take permission in writing, to carry a Cell Phone/Camera to photograph the School activity/ies in or outside the School. They are not allowed to upload any such photograph/s or video/s in social media without obtaining prior permission from the School Authority. Any student indulging in such an activity on the social media will have to face disciplinary action.
15) Lending and/or borrowing of money and/or other articles are/is strictly prohibited.
16) Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. Each item is expected to be marked with respective Pupil’s Name, Class, Roll No. and Section as far as possible.
17) Any student repeating a particular class for 2 consecutive years will be issued Transfer Certificate as per Rules.
18) Bursting crackers or Splashing Colours by the students during the Diwali/Holi or any other occasion on the School premises or in School buses is strictly forbidden. Non-compliance with these instructions can result in expulsion from the school.
19) Without the written permission from the Principal/Vice-Principal, pupils shall not be allowed to leave the Educational Complex during the School Hours.
20) Recurring irregular attendance, dishonesty, immoral conduct, neglect of home-work, disrespect towards the Authorities, Monastics, Teaching as well as non-Teaching Staff shall justify dismissal. The School reserves the right to issue Transfer Certificate (TC) to students on the ground of indisciplinary activities.
21) Guardians are requested to formally inform the School authorities whenever there is a change in their address or Telephone/WhatsApp Numbers/E-mail Id/s, as recorded in student’s personal record.
23) Parents of students, availing the School Bus must seek prior written permission from the Principal when they wish to take their wards home back privately.
24) The School Diary is a record concerning the student. Students of course need to bring the same to Class daily. Guardians are also requested to please check the School Diary regularly.
25) Attendance
* Pupils need to have a minimum of 75% of attendance in an academic year.
* Guardians are advised to note in details in ‘Leave Record’ their wards’ absence in School for ill-health or any other unavoidable circumstances.
* If a student is absent for more than three consecutive days then the student will be required to submit written application with guardian’s signature, to the Principal through the class-teacher.
* Medical certificate is to be furnished if a student is absent for more than three days on medical grounds.
* Students having 100% attendance will receive Certificate of Appreciation.
26) Student’s Identity Card is compulsory with the uniform.